Ever wondered what it means to be truly happy?

The science of your wellbeing, made simple.

A happy couple

What is happiness?

We all know what being happy feels like. It’s the smile that comes to your face when you’re handed a tasty ice cream, or the warmth that fills your chest when hugging someone you love.

But what about the happiness that makes for a good life?

Scientists call this happiness subjective wellbeing.

What is Wellbeing?

Your wellbeing is made up of three parts:

Objective Wellbeing

The material conditions of your life (e.g., housing, work and income) and quality-of-life factors (e.g., health, education, environment, governance and safety).

Psychological Wellbeing

Your sense of meaning and purpose in life.

Subjective Wellbeing

How you feel about your life overall.

A happy family

Genes are not your destiny...

While scientists estimate that genes explain 40% of subjective wellbeing, most of your happiness is within your ability to change.

This means your genes are not your destiny. You can choose to improve your wellbeing.

Better yet, when you improve wellbeing in one area of your life, you’ll begin to see the benefits in other areas.

Why Happiness and Wellbeing?

Studies show that taking steps to improve your wellbeing will help you live a happier life.

That means more smiles. More happy memories.

Of course, everyone faces challenges in life. Most of us will someday lose someone we love and be affected by injury or illness. However, wellbeing can strengthen our resilience, helping us to bounce back sooner.

See The Science
A cup of tea

The positive mood that flows from greater wellbeing can even protect your physical health. Greater wellbeing is linked to lower rates of viral infections, stroke and heart disease.

Want these benefits?

MAP is a unique and scientifically validated tool for assessing your wellbeing. You can use MAP to measure and track different drivers of wellbeing so you can target and improve them over time.

Take the first steps toward finding vision and purpose. Improve your relationships, feel happy more often and watch as the benefits keep coming…

When you find vision and purpose, you’ll be more productive at work

Improve relationships with family, and you’ll feel more supported

When you feel happier, you’ll achieve your financial goals sooner by spending less

The Rich Field of Happiness and Wellbeing

"All the evidence shows that on average people have grown no happier in the last fifty years, even as average incomes have more than doubled. What is going on?"

Professor Richard Layard Happiness - Lessons from a New Science. Director of the Well-being Programme - London School of Economics.

Interest in the science of wellbeing has exploded. Industry, governments and university labs around the world have committed millions to discover what it takes to bring about sustainable happiness and wellness.

MAP Mandala showing five spheres

- MAP’s Unique assessment

Happiness and Wellbeing are rapidly growing fields. Now there are at least 60 subjective wellbeing measurement tools used in research alone. Many strategies and courses are also available to help improve happiness. Many of them focus on positive psychology, which magnifies the positive aspects of the human experience that make a life worth living, increase mental health, life - satisfaction, resilience and focuses on wellbeing at both the individual and social level.

There are now more than 60 published tests measuring subjective wellbeing and hundreds more in the broader areas of happiness and quality of life. This growing interest in wellbeing even led to the creation of an entirely new discipline of psychology known as positive psychology.

Positive psychology asks: How can we lead ourselves to enjoy greater wellbeing in life? In parallel, positive psychology practitioners equip clients with the tools to pursue their optimal life.

MAP is one tool helping to forward this mission.

Balanced and Centered

The MAP Difference

A girl listens the music

Tested by scientists for accuracy and reliability. MAP measures exactly what it claims.

A girl meditates

Insights tailored to your personal scores. Helping you target your wellbeing with precision.

Indian man

Recommendations based on proven psychology interventions. Tools to change your life for the better.

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